My favourite cities

My favourite cities are NYC, Tokyo, Rome and Melbourne

Three months ago I visited Rome and it AFFECTED me in quite a peculiar way. When I threw myself onto the Spanish Steps I felt I COULD ( and maybe was) a real live Italian girl.

And yet… I’m NOT Italian. I cannot speak Italian. I don’t even care to say CHOW!

But Rome allows me the fantasy of living a different life, of waking until I cannot take another step, of daring to dream that one day a villa maybe purchased and I can live off the fat of the land…

I PROMISE you that if you go to Rome your life will change. The history, the vibe, the mad parliament, the ever staring Roman teens flirting with every step you take! Something shifts in your mind and you realise that Rome has taken your hand and led you into the heart of something so beautiful that you’re mesmerized forever more.